Monday 7 October 2013

Halloween Camp in Longford Town For Youth 9 to 13 Years Old

Alert Learning is delighted to offer an introduction to computer coding in the Longford Enterprise Centre during October 2013.

The Halloween coding camp will offer facilitated training on introductory Python and HTML, as well as a general introduction to careers within the Irish software industry.

Python is free to use, even for commercial products, because of its OSI-approved open source license and can be used for any programming task, from Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming to web programming with everything else in between.

The Python Software Foundation holds the intellectual property rights behind Python, underwrites the PyCon conference, and funds many other projects in the Python community.

For more information on Python, please see

This short course offered by Alert Learning will provide information on basic python fundamentals such as:

1.  Using the Python interactive interpreter
2. Strings
3. Integers
4. Floats
5. Lists
6. Variables
7. Simple Expressions

HTML concepts that will be covered include:

1. Explain what web standards are, and why they are needed
2. Know what files comprise a web site
3. Create a site folder
4. HTML Tags
5. HTML Elements
6. HTML Page Structure

Course details are as follows:

For students 9-13 years of age:

Dates:  Tues 29 October, Wed 30th October and Thursday 31 October

Times:  10am - 1pm.  (Working parents can drop off kids from 9:25, with camp commencing from 10am)

Venue:  Longford Enterprise Centre

Number of Participants:  The camp is limited to 14 participants

Fees:  12 euro per day; 25 euro for 2 days, 35 euro for 3 days (10am to 1pm) payable on the 29th October

Snacks:  Each child should bring their own drink and snack.  Note:  Food and drink cannot be consumed in the IT room.  A designated snack time and venue will be provided on site in the Longford Enterprise Centre.

Other info:  No hardware is required to particpate in this camp, as computer and internet access will be provided.  A paper and pen should be brought for notes

Registration:  Please contact Cathy Lynch at 086 402 2616 or email to request a registration form & further information.

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